

Kingsly provides a range of sensors and supporting power supply, signal conditioner, and cable assemblies for wide areas of applications such as Space, Aeronautics, Ballistics, Educational Research, and Automotive. Contact our team for your specific requirement.

Accelerometer and Pressure Sensors for Automation and Industrial Applications – GlobalTest-Russia

At present, LLC GlobalTest offers more than 500 types of measuring equipment.

This includes piezo-electric transducers, dynamic pressure sensors, force sensors, impulse hammers, acoustic emission transducers, eddy current probes, calibrators, electronic matching devices, vibroswitches, vibration controllers, self-contained vibration monitoring sensors, etc. that are designed for measuring and analysis of mechanical vibration and shock, vibroacoustic investigations and tests, permanent monitoring, and technical diagnostics of industrial equipment, workplace assessment, and industrial hygiene.

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Sensors for Automotive applications

Sensors such as IR based Temperature measurement with analog and Digital out (CAN Bus), Amplifier for Thermocouple, RTDs., Sensors for liquid, Brake, Clutch, Track, and Tyre Temperature measurements. Inertial Sensors, Accelerometers, Differential Pressure, Gyroscopes, and IMU. CAN interfaces: Analog to CAN, CAN to analog. Aerodynamics, Strain gages, Gear shift sensors, Potentiometers, Wheel Speed, and many more sensors.

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Hydrophones from Precision Acoustics-UK

Precision Acoustics -UK is a leading manufacturer of Hydrophones, Ultrasound transducers, and ultrasound test stations and acoustics materials.

Precision Acoustics Hydrophone

When it comes to measuring ultrasound in the frequency range 40kHz to 50MHz, Precision Acoustics is regarded worldwide as a leading global supplier of products to measure acoustic pressure and intensity.

  • Pressure Measurement
  • Power Measurement
  • Ultrasonic Transducers
  • Scanning Tanks
  • Acoustic Materials
  • Piezo-electric Materials
  • Amplifiers & Third Party Products

We offer consultancy for transducer development and acoustic measurement services to medical, NDT, and academic establishments.

  • Acoustic Output Measurements
  • Acoustic Performance Modelling
  • Custom Sensor Development
  • Transducer Optimization
  • Vacuum Coating
  • Ultrasonic measurement training