
Spectrum digitizerNETBOX
Spectrum M4i.44xx 14/16 Bit 500 MS/s digitizer
SBench 6 - instrumental software for Spectrum Products
Spectrum: 10 facts in 90 seconds
Spectrum M4i.22xx 8 Bit 5 GSs PCIe Digitizer with 1.5 GHz Bandwidth
Spectrum M4i.66xx PCIe 16 Bit Arbitrary Waveform Generator with 1.25 GS/s
SCAPP - Spectrum's CUDA access for parallel processing
Spectrum M4i.77xx PCIe Digital Data Acquisition Card with 720 MBit/s
M2i.49xx - mid-range versatile 16 bit digitizer
Spectrum M2p.59xx Introduction
Spectrum M4x.44xx PXIe Digitizer with 500 MS/s 14 bit and 250 MS/s 16 bit
Spectrum M2p.65xx AWG-series Introduction